hearts and minds

March 16, 2009

Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge – Contested Election Tuesday April7

Filed under: Courts and Justice,Politics & elections — Hearts & Minds @ 7:23 pm

On Tuesday April 7, 2009 for the first time in thirty years, voters will have a choice in a contested election for judge for our Ozaukee County Circuit Court, which is the first stop in the judicial system for civil and criminal legal matters under state law. I urge that you help get out the vote for Darcy McManus. I have several reasons.

Solomon’s Dilemma and the 2009 Judicial Elections

Filed under: Courts and Justice,Politics & elections,Womens rights — Hearts & Minds @ 4:47 pm

According to a story from long ago, a big man named Solomon was empowered to decide which woman was the mother of a child they each insistently claimed. In apparent frustration, he announced he would cleave the infant in two with a sword and give half to each woman. One woman immediately relinquished her claim to the baby, saying, “Give her the living child and in no wise slay it.” Solomon awarded her the baby, declaring that only the real mother would love her child so much as to give it up in order to save its life. The story is still told (Bible: 1 Kings 3), and it is asserted that this judicial decision demonstrated Solomon’s surpassing wisdom and cemented his reputation.

Actually, the convincing testimony came from the other woman, not from the tearful plea of the first to speak, don’t you agree? (more…)

March 15, 2009

The Contested April 7 Elections in Ozaukee County

Filed under: Courts and Justice,Politics & elections — Hearts & Minds @ 8:53 pm

The STATEWIDE, COUNTY, REGIONAL, and MUNICIPAL offices to be elected in contested elections in Ozaukee County in the April 7, 2009 Spring Election are shown in very condensed, convenient, voter-friendly format here:

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